Welcome to Fancy Nancy. This will be a place I can share my sewing adventures and let the world see my sewing creations.
I've always loved to sew and now my chicks have flown the nest I have the time to indulge myself all day if I choose (and I do). My wonderful husband works to keep a roof over my head so I can 'play' all day.
Fancy Nancy is the label I've chosen for my bags and aprons that I sew. Nancy was my Mum and althought she is gone I hope to honour her name while using her sewing machine and button tin to create unique bags and aprons that bring a smile to your face.
I'll be back with photos of some of the goodies I've been making lately in preparation for my first market day. I've yet to be accepted (who knew it was hard to get into a market!) but hope to be able to tell you where you can come see me in person soon.
Good work Aunty K, can't wait to read more!