7 September 2012

Furry Friends

Hi.  I've been busy helping at the Autism NZ conference being held in Auckland this weekend. I worked for this organisation for a number of years so I'm happy to go along and offer some help to my old workmates.  Good to catch up on all the news too.

I'm also working on my first tutorial for you. I really appreciate your comments and one from Tracy got me thinking about how people do express envy when they learn of my sewing skills.  I thought I'd document the way I shorten a pair of trousers or jeans.  Stay tuned!

Today though I'd like you to meet the four furry friends that share my home (there are five if you count my husband but we'll stick to the four-legged).  Now the children have left home I only have "fur-babies" so they are really a huge part of my life and I love them to bits.

Edie and Pippin are Border Terriers.  Unbelievably some people ask how we tell them apart!  I will admit that it is a bit harder after they have been groomed.

Fern is a Russian Blue and Monti is from that noble breed known colloquially as Moggy.

Monti looking relaxed

Fern and the 'Pipster'

Do you see a theme here?  All these guys do is sunbathe!  Nice work if you can get it!
I've also included a shot of some of the 'bush' in the back yard.  One of the reasons we bought this house was for the large section so the animals can have some space.  Dear Husband has done some super human feats of digging and hammering and made a bridge so we can easily access this 'wild' part of the section.  I love looking out my sewing cave window and seeing cats sunbathing on it. (Again with the sunbathing!)

Come back soon for the first of my (hopefully) many tutorials.


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